Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Admittedly I am pleasantly surprised by Silver Linings Playbook nominations, but he maybe should no

It is a pleasure neieraudzīt of major film awards nominees lists something highly best picture winners list ludicrous as it happened last year, when neither of which appeared film Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, as well as actor Demián Bichir nomination for the role of extremely mediocre, I would even say, the TV format according to the film A Better best picture winners list Life. This is more suggestive of Oskaronkuļu tangles in their networks than their fair assessment which in their opinion is the best in a given year. Although nominations in recent years is the most interesting best picture winners list movie set, this year Oskari traditionally sanominē many "soft landing" in the versions of n-categories (Lincoln, Life of Pi) so that the diversity best picture winners list of the place and there will be a film accurately best of the best (according best picture winners list to the number of nominations ).
Admittedly I am pleasantly surprised by Silver Linings Playbook nominations, but he maybe should not exaggerate and Supporting Actors, best picture winners list excluding categories of the film actors (thus creating almost unique situation in that all four Oscar nominations actors are included in the film actor).
But if those films which undeservedly forgotten, it is certainly worth mentioning Rust and Bone (various nominations deserve, but it seems that the French to submit their input evaluation), Arbitrage (old GIRAM who masterfully visualizes that nothing is simply black or white) . It is also the film Sound of My Voice, Killing Them softly, A Late Quartet have remained unnoticed, but traditionally bizarre choices nomination - Best Foreign Language Film of the Year somewhere best picture winners list disappeared The Hunt, Holy Motors, Turin Horse, and perhaps even in Russian Living deserve to get there. In any event, at the nominations met Kon-Tiki and War Witch is head and shoulders junior movies.
It remains only to add that the documentary film is not got the nomination, as I like to call it, a documentary feature film The Imposters. But here it should be recalled that even Werner best picture winners list Herzog Diamond Into the Abyss did not make last year's nominees list.
Best Motion Picture of the Year Nominees: Amour (2012) Margaret Ménégoz, Stefan Arndt, Veit Heiduschka, Michael best picture winners list Katz Argo (2012): Grant Heslov, Ben Affleck, George Clooney Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012) Dan Janvey, Josh Penn, Michael Gottwald best picture winners list Django Unchained (2012) Stacey Sher, Reginald Hudlin, Pilar Savona Les Misérables (2012): Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner, best picture winners list Debra Hayward, Cameron Mackintosh Life of Pi (2012): Gil Netter, Ang Lee, David WOMARK Lincoln (2012) best picture winners list Steven Spielberg, Kathleen Kennedy Silver Linings Playbook (2012) best picture winners list Donna Gigliotto, Bruce Cohen, Jonathan Gordon Zero Dark Thirty (2012): Mark Boal, Kathryn Bigelow, Megan Ellison
I can not complain that it would be to choose best picture winners list from. There are a number of very strong films (Amour, Django Unchained, Zero Dark Thirty) and traditionally nominees can be attributed to the role - respectful listing (Beasts of the Southern Wild), indie type movie (Silver Linings Playbook) and only a few places to fill (Les Miserables , Life of Pi). Although in my opinion the main fight in this category should be among the outsiders The Master, Zero Dark Thirty and Django Unchained, oskaronkuļu choice will be for the benefit throughout the American Lincoln. And there could not be accused of anything - the film is very well built, but only, alas, not the Americans, quite non-binding. Beautiful, profound best picture winners list and first-rate visual history lesson.
Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role Nominees: Bradley Cooper for Silver Linings Playbook (2012) Daniel best picture winners list Day-Lewis for Lincoln (2012) Hugh Jackman for Les Misérables (2012) Joaquin Phoenix for The Master (2012) Denzel Washington for Flight ( 2012)
The only outsider in this list is Vilknadzis Hugh Jackman with his vārgulīgo singing in the film Les Miserables. Bradley Cooper gained recognition and acclaim with his first highly successful performance in the drama field, Denzel Washington once again reiterates its virtuosity airplane pilot role of the alcoholic, but all it is clear that the main applicants for gold husband is Joaquin best picture winners list Phoenix and Daniel Day-Lewis. The latter of which also will gain it because, in my opinion, The Master is too inconvenient for the movie to the Oscars she would be more than the nomination of its actors.
Best Performance best picture winners list by an Actress in a Leading Role Nominees: Jessica Chastain for Zero Dark Thirty (2012) Jennifer Lawrence for Silver Linings Playbook (2012) Emmanuelle Riva for Amour (2012) Quvenzhané Wallis for Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012) Naomi Watts for The Impossible (2012)
Speculation about little Timmy Quvenzhané Wallis victory in this nomination is pretty funny. Well not on such a strong background of the main actresses best picture winners list of actress prize to get a child who is just a kid, although infinitely sweet and darling. Emmanuelle Riva your appreciation has already obtained a BAFTA and European Film Awards victories, Naomi Watts something very good performance, this time to be completed best picture winners list only in space, but Jessica Chastain again - for the true American heroine role, the prize will go spared, the new Meryl Streep Jennifer Lawrence

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