Tuesday, February 17, 2015

NDA without notice, and fear the impression that the author was to review mixture Aliens, Predator

It starts like more or less seriously spectacular attack on a military base, polar secret threat worldwide and the like. But it is clear after in the corridors of the presidential plane appears tin, which behaves like a hybrid of R2D2 and Gremlins. Then the whole film rolls in the same direction. The creation of the screen farce contribute to the protagonist (played by Shia Le Bouf supposedly ema awards 2011 normal role is for him a nervous teenager, but funny remarks he threw a lot), and his parents, especially when it burst into the room a son, and constantly joking military and idiots-agents and transformers themselves when they try to hide from people. There is a ribbon moment ema awards 2011 when the action stops at all, and continues pure comedy ema awards 2011 - almost to the final.
Some of the actors clearly understand multyashnist material openly Val fool. Whatever Litsedei Jon Voight and John Turturro easily transform their characters to complete idiots, deliberately vykryvlyayuchys and behaving very serious. They say they know what's playing, and a serious look do not meet.
Thrust to the shed in the Bay has always been. The most notable things she was in "bad guys" and the presence of black comedians made it almost justified - they were outright comedy. Was she "Armageddon" and "Pearl Harbor," ema awards 2011 but there it tried to balance emotion. And in "Transformers" this balahannist attitude to the plot and characters like to scratch, to which nanyzayutsya aimless banter and flying cars, broke in tenfold. Here, as in previous works Bay, is a sort of praise US military forces and related pathos, but the nature ema awards 2011 of the material makes these efforts even funnier. What can be pathos and all content ema awards 2011 when long monologues about the importance of freedom and life delivers big factory robot that just came out like a toy store, but learned dialect Internet?
No one expected from this film a great mind, but at least Bay promised ema awards 2011 to show the real invasion, without cheating. And while watching "Transformers" feeling that they like "Serpents Flight", written and filmed the whole farm, and led the process ten boy who knows five points each series of cartoons about robotomashynok, but only saw the movie " Independence Day. " And catch this show can really only one who remembers the names of all Transformers knows their brief biographies and be glad in fansky pop-up ema awards 2011 each representative ema awards 2011 of this family (just do not say that it is a prerequisite for to buy a ticket to the movies). Otherwise - sorry, for the rest of the screen is one piece of iron bodayetsya another, and so two hours.
IMHO, the best film for the entire season this year, why, and because its nice to look at, the second of a penny an hour passed breeze, agree on comedy, because then when the screen was not hard Action that the viewer is not skuchav authors added a lot more funny dialogues, situations, and animations ... .mahnitola transformer - it is just an electronic copy gremlins and feature of Nokia did not liked. Computer effects ema awards 2011 on high, well, like almost everything in principle. ema awards 2011 5 + DJ ZX says: 07.07.2007 at 13:36
NDA without notice, and fear the impression that the author was to review mixture Aliens, Predator and Twin Peaks with philosophy and Stanley Kubrick-esque, ema awards 2011 and got on the bad guys and does not know what the movie - completely meets the storyline of the first generation Transformers and Transformers comics from Marvel Comics (official ema awards 2011 by the way)
especially surprised by the phrase "What can be pathos and all content when long monologues about the importance of freedom and life delivers big factory robot that just came out like a toy store, but learned the dialect Internet?" Hey, and where you come from? You saw the cartoon? This film is designed for 13+ audience, with only pretentious guy in line zakohannosti girl at all superfluous, because it lost a little focus on what Transformers (Autobots) smarter and more advanced than humans.
The film - the best of this year, the only thing that disappointed - the ending, because it almost straight text says that Transformers 2 will be. But then so are all used to, and and so everyone knows what will be 3 parts, so that - wait for part 2. Vadim says: 07.07.2007 at 15:31
No one doubts that "film is intended for audiences 13" - "the best this year." And not only that. It can not be. And "pretentious guy in line zakohannosti girl" really excessive. ema awards 2011 It is better to do without people - most cars. "Oscar" would be guaranteed. And, unfortunately - only "Golden Globe". Mama says: 08.07.2007 at 17:11
A wonderful film. I love it. This is something. Especially for fans who did not miss a single movie series really could do without love history. And translation - B

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