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Blog Entries: 96 Film and Oscar season blogging! THE 10 COMMANDMENTS OF STANNING (by stevensaurusrex): bafta game awards 1. Thou shalt honor thy fave with all thy heart. 2. Thou shalt only stan for one fave, and one fave only. 3. Thou shalt not throw shade at another's fave unless shade is thrown at your fave first. 4. Thou shalt not go for someone else's wig unless thy wig is upset first. 5. Thou shalt remember bafta game awards fellow stans if they are banned. 6. Thou shalt not mock Lord Beysus for stealing songs- or Beysus will come for thy fave's songs as well and make them relevant. 7. Thou shalt not say Ciara is irrelevant- or she will cutteth thee open like a surgeon. 8. Thou shalt not say Goddess Britddha is a talentless *****- she will punish thee with the "Mannequin" choreography. 9. Thou shalt not drag the haters tew hard, for fear of bringing a bad name to thy fave. 10. Thou shalt remember- Raven >>>>>>> 9/13/2009 , 9:25 AM Film and Oscar season blogging! THE 10 COMMANDMENTS OF STANNING (by stevensaurusrex): 1. Thou shalt honor thy fave with all thy heart. bafta game awards 2. Thou shalt only stan for one fave, and one fave only. 3. Thou shalt not throw shade at another's fave unless shade is thrown at your fave first. 4. Thou shalt not go for someone else's wig unless thy wig is upset first. 5. Thou shalt remember fellow stans if they are banned. 6. Thou shalt not mock Lord Beysus for stealing songs- or Beysus will come for thy fave's songs as well and make them relevant. 7. Thou shalt not say Ciara is irrelevant- or she will cutteth thee open like a surgeon. 8. Thou shalt not say Goddess Britddha is a talentless bafta game awards *****- she will punish thee with the "Mannequin" choreography. 9. Thou shalt not drag the haters bafta game awards tew hard, for fear of bringing a bad name to thy fave. 10. Thou shalt remember- Raven >>>>>>> 9/13/2009 , 10:49 AM
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